Piano Note Chart

Brent Phillips

These charts are made for beginner piano students to prepare them better to memorize piano compositions from significant composers. They have realized that there are 7 octaves for two hands and ten fingers to cover in notes and note values to make a musical sound for a complex composition; 56 white keys and 36 black keys. The chart above gives only 29 white and 20 black keys because it did not include a low bass and high treble. However, the above chart is the middle section of any piano or keyboard instrument.

Essential Skills Using a Piano Note Chart.

Scales and Arpeggio Studies. - Using these studies with a piano note chart and numbering systems for the fingers; can have an attachment on these charts. For example, children can see the relationship between the 1,3,5 fingering positions when tucking their index thumb around in octave studies.

Braille Piano Note Chart for the Blind. - Make sure you teach children at early age braille, not only to read letter symbols but also to number their fingerings for the piano; and using scale and arpeggio studies for the piano. Beginning piano pieces using the numbering system and a piano note chart is helpful in teaching beginner to advanced piano music


Life Skills by Practicing Using a Piano Note Chart. - Improved concentration, discipline by practicing, time-management skills, and emotional stability in everyday life.

You might say that a piano note chart can do all this; the answer is with the right direction from an experienced teacher; this is all possible. Piano note charts are as old as piano history, from the C major scale to essential digital structuring. Without this helpful tool, the teacher and student would miss out an easier way to playing piano.


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